Philips Vereos PET/CT

Proton Partners to bring Philips Vereos digital PET/CT to Wales proton facility

December 15, 2015
by Gus Iversen, Editor in Chief
Proton Partners International has teamed up with IBA, Elekta, and Philips in the interest of opening a string of proton therapy facilities in the UK and elsewhere. At least one of the facilities, to be located in Newport, Wales, and expected to be operational by 2017, will feature a Philips Vereos digital PET/CT scanner — the first of its kind in the UK.

"Our centres will not only provide imaging, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and proton therapy, but they will also be a hub to drive improvements in cancer treatment in the U.K.," said Mike Moran, CEO of Proton Partners International, in a statement.

The Vereos received was first installed at University Hospitals of Cleveland and received FDA clearance in the U.S. in August 2013.

The detector converts photons directly into digital information and is designed to broaden the range of imaging techniques that are currently limited by the performance of conventional analogue PET/CT systems. Learn more about the digital PET CT scanner in the following video:

Moran added that there is currently only one PET/CT scanner in Wales and it is not digital.

"We are delighted to be working with Proton partners to bring the first Vereos system to the U.K.," said Neil Mesher, managing director of Health Systems for Philips UKI. "This breakthrough innovation combines exceptional quality and accuracy in imaging at low dose rates, helping clinicians get answers first time around enabling them to make more confident diagnoses for patients."