Dr. Arkadi Stolpner is
building a proton
center in St. Petersburg.

Arkadi Stolpner's new project, and why it's important

February 23, 2012
by Philip F. Jacobus, CEO
Those of you who know me may have heard me talk about Dr. Arkadi Stolpner, my business partner in Russia. Arkadi and I have become fast friends over the last 10 years. During that time, he has built a chain of 60 imaging centers spanning four time zones and employing almost 1,400 people.

Now Dr. Stolpner has signed an agreement to establish a proton beam facility in St. Petersburg. For those of you not familiar with this technology, it is a cutting-edge cancer treatment and the average facility costs more than $200 million to establish.

A few years ago, I went through a midlife crisis. Every day I walked past statues of Nathan Hale and George Washington and the gravesite of Alexander Hamilton. It occurred to me that I wasn't contributing much to the world, and I was wondering if I should be ashamed for not having contributed more. But being involved with Arkadi Stolpner and helping him in the development of his health care delivery network has reminded me of something that applies to many of us involved in health care.

Many people in the world today are alive because of the work that those in our field have done. Many of us have sold new and used equipment around the world, and found creative ways to help our clients. History may not remember us, but we have helped.

I value my friendship with Arkadi Stolpner but I am also proud of the contribution that I have made helping him.

A story is appearing in our news today covers the groundbreaking of Dr. Stolpner's new proton beam center. Please have a look.

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