GE Healthcare's SIGNA Premier MR

GE Healthcare gets FDA nod for SIGNA Premier MR system

August 07, 2017
by John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter
GE Healthcare’s latest development in MR technology, SIGNA Premier, is now available for purchase in the U.S., following FDA approval.

The wide bore 3.0T system is composed of imaging tools for identifying biomarkers that could indicate possible cases of traumatic brain injuries, and technology for aiding researchers, particularly those in fields of neurology and oncology.

“The SuperG gradient technology provides stable fMRI performance and advanced diffusion results for the investigation of neurological and oncological diseases on a sub-structural level,” said Fotios Vlachos, Premium MR Product Manager at GE Healthcare. "New breakthrough software techniques have also been implemented to minimize commonly seen distortion and motion artifacts on typically low signal protocols, such as DWI and DTI, while the highly homogeneous 3.0T magnet enables uncompromising fat saturation performance across a full field of view of 50 centimeters.”

GE Healthcare designed SIGNA Premier over a four-year period, collaborating with the National Football League and various institutes, including the University of California, San Francisco; the University of California, San Diego; Houston Methodist; Hospital for Special Surgery; Medical College of Wisconsin; the University of Pittsburgh; and the University of Miami.

The system is composed of both GE Healthcare’s most powerful gradient system designed for a wide bore 3.0T system, and most recent, short-bore, high-homogeneity 3.0T superconductive magnet, along with machine learning software that includes cloud analytics.

It can complete routine brain scans at under five minutes, a speed eight times faster than the speed of past GE Healthcare MR systems, and includes a 48-channel head coil designed for use on 99.99 percent of the population, including people with large heads and small necks, while ensuring image quality and high signal-to-noise ratio.

SIGNA Premier also has a new, digital RF transmit and receive architecture, which provides up to 146 independent receiver channels for collecting patient information from multiple high-channel-density surface coils to ensure high image quality and fast scans.