My thoughts on reverse expos

April 17, 2019
by Philip F. Jacobus, CEO
I have been attending reverse expos for a number of years. I have never written about them because we have a relationship with more than one reverse expo company and I never wanted to give the impression that I was playing favorites, one over the other.

I attended HCP and IDN (please note they are listed in alphabetical order) this year, as I have for many years, and was impressed at both events.

It is easy to reach out to people, it is non-threatening for both parties and because it is the sort of, 'speed dating' of business discussions, people are candid with you and open to any sort of conversation.

I am sold on the idea of reverse expos. If you have not attended one recently, I encourage you to do so.

While you are there, keep an eye out for the rather quirky older gent so we'll have a chance to shake hands!