The American Society
of Radiologic

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Ends Annual Conference

October 09, 2007
by Joan Trombetti, Writer
The Albuquerque, NM-based society will replace the conference in 2008, with its ASRT Annual Governance and House of Delegates meeting. A new emphasis will be placed on ASRT's governance system. According to the society, the general education section of the meeting will be eliminated.

The decision was made, according to the organization, after realizing the need to devote the whole meeting "to address the practical issues that face the radiologic science profession." Cynthia Daniels, chairmans of ASRT said "trying to combine a continuing education (CE) conference with a governance meeting means that neither receive the proper attention or prominence." Daniels stated that it has become obvious that the general education portion of the meeting had outlived its usefulness.

The annual meeting's role has been looked at for several years by the board of directors who decided to discontinue it. She feels that with so many CE options available for technologists like online learning, it is hard to justify the expense of putting forth a national CE conference.

The newly formatted meeting will take place June 13-15 in Albuquerque.