MSA Blood test

New Website for Abviva, Inc.

March 31, 2008
by Joan Trombetti, Writer
Abviva, Inc. has launched its new website at as part of the continued development of its breast cancer diagnostic business and the Mammastatin Serum Assay.

The website is designed to be an informational resource for women and physicians to increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of early breast cancer detection and of the Mammastatin Serum Assay (MSA). In clinical studies, 98% of women with no history of breast cancer had normal or high levels of mammastatin in their MSA blood test. More importantly, 74% of women with a history of breast cancer had no mammastatin present or very low levels. These findings highlight the early detection benefits of the MSA. For more information go to

About Abviva, Inc.
Abviva, Inc. is a biomedical company established to develop and commercialize diagnostic and therapeutic products from Mammastatin, a breast cancer growth inhibitory protein that is normally present in healthy women and absent in most women with breast cancer.