Steeve Huin

Five Minutes in Healthcare - Steeve Huin

March 02, 2022
by Philip F. Jacobus, CEO
Five Minutes in Healthcare is where I discuss current events with some of the industry's most influential leaders, as well as innovative thinkers who are working to meet the challenges of COVID-19.

In this installment, I check back in with Steeve Huin, chief marketing officer for cybersecurity provider, Irdeto. We talk about medical device security and the role of software bill of materials to help prevent breaches from taking place, we also look at big trends behind cyberattacks and the motivations that drive cyber criminals.

The last time I interviewed Steeve, we talked about the rapid evolution of security vulnerabilities in healthcare, the increase in ransomeware and trading information on the dark web, and how technology designed today must be equipped to address the security concerns of tomorrow.

We hope you enjoy the conversation. Please tell us what you think, and let us know who you would like to see interviewed next: