Greater demand is pushing new innovations and growth in the MR market and clinical use.

Growth in MR spurs innovations in design, scanning time and image quality

December 29, 2022
by John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter
MR imaging is brimming with new portable designs, shorter scanning times and novel applications as rising demand pushes market growth for the modality.

Researchers at Frost & Sullivan say that greater demand is leading medical imaging companies to invest in and develop solutions that will boost radiologists’ confidence in their decisions and accuracy, as well as accelerate exam time to offset challenges such as the shortage of available radiologists.

Additionally, more portable and open designs along with advanced metamaterials and the integration of AI and advanced software technologies are poised for further growth and access to MR technology, say the researchers in the company's latest healthcare research and analysis report, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Technology Innovation and Growth Opportunities.

"Innovation in the MR imaging device's design, AI integration and audiovisual systems have improved the image quality, patient experience, and reduced scan time," said Ashish Kaul, a healthcare industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, in a statement. "Additionally, MR innovation, such as material-based products to enhance image quality, coil design for portable systems, and AI for image analysis, will increase care delivery for patients and take center stage during the next three years."

The rise in demand is the result of increasing cases of cardiovascular diseases and cancer as well as government initiatives to create free or low-cost diagnostic facilities and infrastructures.

The authors suggest that market stakeholders invest in materials that will continue to bolster image quality, such as magnetic metamaterials. They should also look into multiple applications and partner with local vendors to use cloud platforms for data storage and processing. Doing so ensures that healthcare facilities are abiding by regional data regulations when processing and using patients’ health data.

Additionally, they should invest in research and development activities internally or fund university-level research projects to test potential applications within portable MR systems beyond neurology, according to Kaul.

"Companies that offer portable imaging systems are addressing the market need for decentralized care delivery, challenging the established market participants that offer stationary MR systems and compelling them to rethink their competitive strategy,” he said. “Further, new AI-based image analysis software that enhances magnetic resonance image quality and supports clinical decision-making is making the market even more competitive for technology developers."

Frost & Sullivan did not respond to HCB News' request for comment.