Call For Proposals

October 10th Deadline Fast Approaching to Submit Educational Session Proposals for AHRMM 2009

October 08, 2008
by Joan Trombetti, Writer
There is little time left to submit a proposal for consideration to present an educational session at AHRMM09. The deadline for presentation proposals is Friday, October 10, 2008.

AHRMM09, the 2009 Annual Conference & Exhibition is July 19-22, 2009 in Tampa, FL. Focusing on current trends and industry news, this conference is the premier event for materials management professionals to turn to for education and networking while they are "Mapping the Future" of the healthcare supply chain.

Applications are accepted for presentations in the following tracks:

* Distribution
* Finance
* Technology Solutions
* Purchasing
* Strategic Planning
* Clinical Resource Management
* Professional Development

For more information, go to - ASRMM Conference Call for Presentations.