Software Version: 23x
Magnet: CXK4 1.5T Short Bore
Channels: 16
Gradients: (30,125)
Trailer: 48’ Ellis & Watts
HP Z400 Solid State Console
Software Applications:
ARC, Asset, BF and VM, Bloodsupp, Bravo, Breast2, CINE, Cosmic, 3D Dual Echo, DE, 3D DE, DW EPI, E3DTOF, EPI, Fastcine, FGE, Fiesta 2D, 2D Fat Sat Fiesta, Fiesta 3D, 3D Fat Sat Fiesta, Fiesta-c, FLAIR EPI, 3SFRFSE, FSE_XL, FT MRA, TOF, Modality WL, Ideal, iDrive, iDrive Pro, LAVA, LAVA-XV, 2D Merge, 3D Merge, Multi Phase, Navigator, PCVI, fgret, Propeller, DW Propeller, T1 Flair Propeller, T2 Propeller, T2 Flair Propeller, QuickStep, iDrive Pro Plus, fret Real Time, Smart Prep, SPECIAL, SSFSE, SSFSE, MRCP Three Plane Loc, Tricks, IP Protection, 16 Ch System
• 16 ch HNS (head, neck, spine)
• 8 ch CTL
• 8 ch USA Neuro Vascular
• 8 ch Torso Array
• 8 ch HD T/R Knee
• Shoulder Array – Large & Small
• Breast Array
Available April 2021
Return Policy
Items are sold as-is with no returns or refunds available unless explicitly stated.