Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing..
Listing: #5179806
Item is beingoffered AS-IS and as represented in pictures.
This listing is provided by, LLC. is a leader in the healthcare secondary marketasset management industry, specializing in the buying, selling and refurbishingof pre-owned medical equipment. With over 35 years combined experience in themedical asset industry, management team is well versedin the secondary medical equipment market and provides cost saving alternativesto end-users and fair-market valuations based on current market trends.
We sell "AS-IS" andrefurbished equipment and each listing will best represent the current working& cosmetic condition of the item. "AS-IS" is not refurbished and is not guaranteed to be functional. PLEASE CONTACT US PRIOR TO PURCHASE IF YOUREQUIRE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.
The descriptions and photosrepresent best efforts to convey information and our opinions about a product.The items in this listing are being sold irrespective of condition, wear, ordamage, and with all faults, defects, and with no representations, guaranteesor warranties of any kind about the item's functionality beyond what is in thedescription. We expect some items tohave limited functionality and/or require repairs. The listed price takes thisinto consideration and we ask buyers to take these purchase terms into account.Items without best offer means that we are not accepting offers unless thereare multiple items or combined purchases.
Contact Us
Office hours are Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm EST. Allmessages will be returned within these office hours. We observe US holidays.
Payment & Taxes
Payment must be received within 4 days of any purchase orsale close. If payment is notreceived the item(s) will be considered abandoned. is required tocollect sales tax from non-tax-exempt customers. All applicable sales tax charged to an orderwill be calculated on the shipment's destination state and local sales taxlaws.
Packaging &Shipping
All items will be packaged with bubble wrap, packing paperand boxed to fit the item(s) as securely as possible. If package is damaged upon receipt, pleaserefuse delivery so a claim can be filed with the carrier.
Unless otherwise stated all orders will be shipped by FedExto the US location provided at time of purchase. Orders will be shipped within 48 hours offull payment receipt. We are notcurrently set up to ship internationally.
Local pickup is available Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pmEST with appointment only. A copy of thepaid invoice and ID are required in order to release the item(s). If someone other than the buyer will beremoving the item(s), please contact us for an Authorization to Release form.
The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by theU.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. Ifso, do not buy this item unless you are an authorized purchaser. If the itemis subject to FDA regulation, we will verify your status as an authorizedpurchaser of this item before shipping of the item.