Over 1050 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ 08/01, CA 08/09

Advertise in The 2024 INDUSTRY STANDARD

DOTmed 2024 Buyer's Guide Cover

pages available.
Act now!


If you want premium placement for your ad in DOTmed’s 2024 Buyer’s Guide, don’t delay. Those pages will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Learn more.

Issue Date: March 2024
Closing: December 21st, 2023

866-999-DOTmed (3686) x "Ads" (237)
212-742-1200 x "Ads" (237)

View the complete 2023 BG here

Featuring our Find-it-Fast Categorical Index that brings you more business!

DOTmed's 2024 Buyer's Guide will continue to be the leader because our highly targeted Categorical Index makes it easy for customers to find you fast.

Your company is listed by the equipment or services you specialize in, and includes:

  1. The services you provide for each kind of equipment
  2. The primary contact name at your company
  3. The state your company is located in (a DOTmed exclusive!)

Over 15,000 copies of DOTmed's Buyer's Guide will be mailed to hospitals, imaging centers, surgery centers, clinics, ISOs, and other healthcare businesses, reaching the industry's key decision-makers, influencers, and buyers.

All 1,200+ Upgraded DOTmed Sellers receive the Buyer's Guide yearly.

DOTmed Buyer's Guide Demographics
FREE ONLINE BONUS! The Buyer's Guide will be online all year on DOTmed.com.

Bonus distribution at these leading trade shows:


"Good-Better-Best" Advertising Options.

Deadline for insertion orders:

December 21st, 2023

Deadline for all advertising material:

January 12th, 2024

Premium Ad Placement Positions:

Ads within first 20 pages, and within the Categorical Index are: $1,499 - full page ads only.

Bonus: Includes 10 Category Listings
and a free Premium Listing!

Good ─ Free Listing:

First-come, first served. There will be a limited number of free 4-line listings allocated for 2024, and DOTmed reserves the right to cut-off acceptance at any time. Click here to submit a Free Listing. You must act fast!

Better yet, buy a Premium Listing or Display Ad and be guaranteed a spot!

  • Free Listing includes: Company Name, Address, Phone,Primary Contact Name (NOTE: Free Listings do not appear in the Categorical, by Company, or by Name Indexes.)
Get Started Now!

Much Better ─ Premium Listing:

  • Premium Listings feature Bold Text, and include your Company Logo, Name, and Profile, Address, Phone, Website, Email, Contact Name
  • All Premium Listings get Your Company cross-referenced in the Categorical, by Company, and by Name Indexes of the Buyer's Guide - three valuable bonuses!
  • IMPORTANT: Your Company Profile and Categorical Listing choices will be pulled from your DOTmed Account - so make sure it's up-to-date!

Premium Level 1 for $180

  1. Premium Listing in the Buyer's Guide
  2. One Categorical Listing, plus listings in both Alphabetical Indexes

Premium Level 2 for $250

  1. Premium Listing in the Buyer's Guide
  2. Three Categorical Listings plus listings in both Alphabetical Indexes
Get Started Now!


The Best - Display Advertising

All ads come with a Free Premium Listing


All Display Ads also give you multiple Categorical Listings — depending on ad size, plus listings in both Alphabetical Indexes.

All Ads are 4-color at No Extra Charge

1/6 Page Ad + 4 Category Listings - Cost: $350

1/3 Page Ad + 5 Category Listings - Cost: $450

1/2 Page Ad + 6 Category Listings - Cost: $575

Full Page Ad + 8 Category Listings - Cost: $999

Premium Ad + 10 Category Listings - Cost: $1,499

2 Page Spread + 12 Category Listings - Cost: $1,899

Buy Additional Categories for 50/each

Click Here to View Ad Size Examples

Get Started Now!

Buyer's Guide & Online Advertising Special Promotional Bundles

  • Companies with Display Ads and Premium Listings can be listed in up to 10 (or more!) different categories.
  • The Icon Key shows the services you provide for each modality.
  • Your Display Ad (if purchased) is listed first, your Premium Listing, second.
  • Your Company's primary contact name, and the state you are in, are also included.

Customers who know your Company Name will find you fast here.

Customers who know Your Name will find you fast here.

Online & Emailed Versions

A digital version of the 2024 Buyer's Guide will be housed on DOTmed's homepage for the entire year. We also email out the digital copy to over 32,500 DOTmed users.