Over 1050 Total Lots Up For Auction at Two Locations - NJ 08/01, CA 08/09

Advertise in DOTmed Equipment Classifieds

DOTmed Equipment Classifieds magazine is printed and mailed monthly to 5,000 of our most active buyers and sellers of medical equipment. Every issue is posted online on DOTmed.com's homepage and emailed out to over 20,000 subscribers.

Reach key industry trade show attendees with bonus circulation. All advertisers in Equipment Classifieds also receive banner advertising on DOTmed.com. Each issue included one exclusive Industry Excellence Profile highlighting a major company within our industry

Advertisers can run Display Ads or pick listings from DOTmed to create an advertisement. Feature your top items and reach an engaged audience of buyers every month. You pick which equipment to show and buyers can easily look up your products on DOTmed.com.


Upgraded DOTmed Users1,277
Medical Office1,047
Hospital Biomed Title689
Specialty HCP providers517
Hospital Mixed Titles428
Imaging Center327
Cosmetic Facility / Spa315
Surgery Center216

Guaranteed physical circulation of 5,000+ per month including prime USA Healthcare providers who shopped on DOTmed recently and upgraded DOTmed sellers. This unique circulation is updated monthly to capture the most active healthcare provider buyers on DOTmed.com.


Pick between multiple templates for each ad size
PriceBanner Type/SizeOnline Categories
Two page spread$1100Homepage, 180x26010
Full page$750 Homepage, 180x2605
1/2 page$450 Skyscraper, 160x6003
1/4 page$250 Skyscraper, 160x6001
Individual Listing $30
Industry Excellence Profile
2 page spread$1,250 Homepage, 180x26010
SOLD OUT $500 Homepage, 180x2605
Back$1500 Homepage, 180x26010
Inside Front/Back$1000 Homepage, 180x26010
Trade Show Bonus Section$250

Industry Excellence Profiles - $1,250 per issue

Two page spread - you pick one page editorial with one page ad or two pages of editorial

Your company and profile will be mentioned on the cover of the issue

Your profile will also be placed online at dotmed.com/news with tools to share

We can provide a high resolution PDF if you want to print copies of your profile

A link to your profile will be included in the emailed version

Your profile comes with an homepage slider banner on DOTmed.com

On The News Homepage

In Our Email

Your Call-out Badge on the cover


All Equipment Classified advertisers receive targeted banner advertising. Full page and larger receive the EC Homepage Slider Ad. Half page and smaller receive the SkyScraper ad.

All Equipment Classified advertisers receive a badge on their For Sale listings posted on DOTmed.com. Stand out from other sellers with more badges in your Shop With Confidence section.


Each month DOTmed Equipment Classifieds is converted to a digital flip book and housed on DOTmed's homepage. Your ad page links directly back to your website and your listings link directly back to your DOTmed WebStore. Each issue is added to an online archive with searching capabilities. Your print ad is essentially online forever.


DOTmed Equipment Classifieds is also emailed to a group of 20,000 domestic and international DOTmed users and auction bidders. The email version is targeted to show the buyers the types of equipment they have looked for on DOTmed.com. If they were looking for OR equipment we serve them the OR Equipment Classified listings.

Trade Show Distribution and Special Advertising Sections

Equipment Classifieds will either be handed out in person or mailed to past attendees of the following trade shows each year: ECR, NAPT, IDN Summit, HCP, AAMI, FIME, AHRA, SIIM, ASTRO, SNMMI, RSNA & more.

All Equipment Classified advertisers who are exhibiting at the show will receive one Trade Show Bonus placement.

Additional Trade Show Bonus placements are $250 each.

Bonus Trade Show sections are available in the following issues:

February Issue - ECR(3/1)
April - IDN Summit(4/17), NAPT(5/6)
May - HCP Spring(5/8), AAMI(6/16)
June - SIIM(6/14), SNMMI(6/24), FIME(6/21)
July - AHRA(7/9), AHRMM(8/6)
August - IDN Summit(8/28)
September - ASTRO(10/1), HCP Fall
November - RSNA (11/26)

Click here to view sample

Bonus #1 Company Write Up in Print

  • Be featured in a special trade show section
  • Write up word count limit of 100
  • $250 per placement if purchased separately from print advertisement

Bonus #2 Product Showcases

  • Showcase your product with a high resolution photo
  • Include a 50 word summary of your product
  • $250 per placement if purchased separately from print advertisement
  • Includes 30 days online NPS placement at dotmed.com/news

Click here to see an example

Click here to view sample

Bonus #3 Press Release in Print

  • Highlight major milestones or achievements related to the show
  • 150 word limit in print, full release shown online
  • Online only submissions always free, send your press release to PR@dotmed.com
  • $250 per placement if purchased separately from print advertisement

Contact sales@dotmed.com or call 212-742-1200 ext 297.