DOTmed Stats is a snapshot of all the activity generated by the more than 25,000 healthcare industry professionals who visit our site every day.
If you're thinking of auctioning, listing equipment, upgrading your listings, or advertising on DOTmed, DOTmed Stats gives you an invaluable view into the tremendous marketing potential we offer.
Thousands of new listings are posted on DOTmed every month. Users can contact users with listings via email, or by phone if the lister has Upgraded Listings. Upgrades start at $25 per month and the Elite Level Enterprise upgrade, our top level is only $200 monthly. DOTmed takes zero commission on sales.
Upgraded Listings get your listings seen more frequently, and allow more visitors to contact you about your listings. Premium Listings consistently outperform Standard Listings, as you can see below.
Parts Hunter™ lets Parts Buyers and Sellers connect simply and efficiently. Communication is an important part of Parts Hunter, and each Parts Hunter™ request generates multiple responses from potential Sellers.
We have the Buyers AND Sellers to make finding or selling parts work.