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ABBOTT Cell Dyn 3700 SL Hematology Analyzer ABBOTT Cell Dyn 3700 SL Hematology Analyzer
ABBOTT Cell Dyn 3700 SL Hematology Analyzer ABBOTT Cell Dyn 3700 SL Hematology Analyzer

For Sale ABBOTT Cell Dyn 3700 SL Hematology Analyzer

  • Condition : Used - Excellent
  • Weight : 288.00 Lbs
  • In Stock : Yes
  • Date : January 27, 2025
  • Listing # : 1623450
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Item Description

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Listing: #1623450

  • Condition: Used - Excellent
  • Brand: ABBOTT
  • Type: Hematology Analyzer
  • Model: Cell Dyn 3700 SL
  • MPN: Cell Dyn 3700
  • Height: 27' (68 cm)
  • Length: 31' (79 cm)
  • Power Supply Voltage: 100-240
  • Width: 30' (76 cm)
  • Auto-startup (From Power Off): 5 min
  • Auto-startup (From Standby): 3.5 min
  • Open Mode: 130 ul
  • Run - Open Mode: 37 sec
  • Run, Sample Loader: 37 sec
  • Sample Loader: 355 ul
  • Samples/Hour: 90
  • Shutdown (To Standby): 4.5 min
The CELL-DYN 3700 System is a multi-parameter, automated
hematology analyzer designed for in vitro diagnostic use in
clinical laboratories. The instrument has two versions: the
CELL-DYN 3700SL System with an automated Sample Loader and
the CELL-DYN 3700CS System with a manual Closed Sampler.

The CELL-DYN 3700SL System is equipped with an automated
Sample Loader module. The Sample Loader provides continuous
closed sampling for up to 100 tubes at a time. (See the preceding

The CELL-DYN 3700CS System is equipped with a built-in manual
Closed Sample Aspiration Module referred to as the Closed
Sampler. The Closed Sampler aspirates blood from a closed
collection tube that has been inserted in the Closed Sampler

The CELL-DYN® 3700 System generates the following hematologic
measurements on EDTA-anticoagulated whole blood:
WBC — White Blood Cell or Leukocyte count
NEU — Neutrophil absolute count %N — Neutrophil percent
LYM — Lymphocyte absolute count %L — Lymphocyte percent
MONO — Monocyte absolute count %M — Monocyte percent
EOS — Eosinophil absolute count %E — Eosinophil percent
BASO — Basophil absolute count %B — Basophil percent
RBC — Red Blood Cell or Erythrocyte count
HGB — Hemoglobin concentration
HCT — Hematocrit
MCV — Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH — Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC — Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW — Red Cell Distribution Width
PLT — Platelet or Thrombocyte count
MPV — Mean Platelet Volume
PDW*— Platelet Distribution Width
PCT* — Plateletcrit
RETIC % — Reticulocyte Percent
RETIC ABS — Reticulocyte Absolute
IRF — Immature Reticulocyte Fraction
* Clinical significance has not been established for these parameters.
Therefore they are not reportable in the U.S. They are provided for
laboratory use only.

The two main modules of the CELL-DYN 3700 System are depicted
in the following two figures. (The Sample Loader Module included
with the CELL-DYN 3700SL System is illustrated and described in
Chapter 2: Installation and Chapter 12: Sample Loader.)
Figure 1.2: CELL-DYN 3700 System

The Analyzer contains the hardware to aspirate, dilute, and
analyze each whole blood specimen.

Data Station:
The Data Station contains a Flat Panel Display Monitor, a
Keyboard, and a CPU (Central Processing Unit).

The Analyzer is the central unit of the CELL-DYN 3700 System. It
aspirates and dilutes whole blood specimens, transports and
analyzes the prepared dilutions, and rinses fluidic components in
preparation for the next specimen. Except for those components
directly related to the Closed Sample Processing Method
(automated or manual), the CELL-DYN 3700CS System and
CELL-DYN 3700SL System are identical. In the description of
components on the following pages, those components applicable
to only one of the systems will be identified as such. A complete
description of the automated Sample Loader can be found in

Sample Loader:
Front Panel
The components visible on the front of the Analyzer are depicted
in the following figure. The functional description of each
component follows.

Left Front Cover:
The removable Left Front Cover protects the Left Flow Panel. To
remove the cover, lift up on the cover to free it from the
mounting brackets. A grounding wire provides electrical
continuity for shielding purposes. Disconnect the grounding
wire. Access to the Left Flow Panel is necessary to view the action
of the Flow Panel components and to perform certain
maintenance procedures.

Right Front Cover:
The removable Right Front Cover protects the Right Flow Panel. It
contains a window that allows the operator to view the Shear
Valve. The cover is removed by lifting it up, disconnecting the
ground wires, and lifting away from the mounting brackets.
Access to the Right Flow Panel is necessary to view the operation
of the components and to perform certain maintenance

Status Indicator Panel:
Three status indicator messages (illuminated by green, yellow, and
red LEDs) indicate the status of the Analyzer. The status messages are:
• Ready (green light) — The Analyzer is ready to process a
• Busy (yellow light) — The Analyzer is busy with a normal
operational sequence.
• Fault (red light) — The Analyzer is unable to process
specimens due to an existing fault

Open Sample Aspiration Probe:
The Open Sample Aspiration Probe aspirates whole blood from an
opened collection tube. The Wash Block moves down to the end
of the probe and remains there whenever the Closed Mode is

Touch Plate:
The Touch Plate is located directly behind the Open Sample
Aspiration Probe. Pressing the Touch Plate starts the selected run
cycle for both the Open Mode and Closed Mode on the
CELL-DYN 3700CS System. If the Closed Sampler Mode is selected
on the CS instrument, the cycle will begin only if a tube has been
properly inserted in the holder. On the CELL-DYN 3700SL System,
the Touch Plate is used for Open Mode only.

Closed Sample Aspiration Module:
(CELL-DYN 3700CS System Only)
The Closed Sample Aspiration Module aspirates whole blood from
a closed collection tube. It is activated when the Closed Sampler
Mode is selected. The module contains the following components:
• A Holder holds the closed collection tube.
• A Tube Retainer correctly positions the tube in the holder.
• Two Quick Adjust Levers located on either side of the Tube
Retainer are used to raise or lower the Tube Retainer in order
to securely hold the collection tube in the proper position.
• An Interlock Switch located in the Tube Retainer prevents
activation of the Closed Sampler until a collection tube is
inserted properly.
• A Needle pierces the collection tube stopper, vents vacuum
or pressure from inside the tube, aspirates the whole blood,
and is retracted and rinsed at the end of each Closed Sampler

Automated Sample Loader Module:
(CELL-DYN 3700SL System Only)
See Chapter 12: Sample Loader for information about the Sample
Loader Module.

Flow Panel:
The major components of the Flow Panel are depicted in the
following figure. The functional description of each component

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Items are sold as-is with no returns or refunds available unless explicitly stated.
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