About This Item
Reconditioned part from fully tested machine, inspected thoroughly. Only what is shown is included. Guaranteed functional and guaranteed for 30 days
Know What You are Buying
We typically take the time to post actual pictures of the unit you are buying
We also typically take the time to thoroughly test the units we are selling
Buy with CONFIDENCE from a reputable seller with 20 Years experience
Manufacturer - CSZ Hemotherm
Part # 93520
SKU: 115955
TESTED Parts – these parts were all tested and confirmed functional in all modes in our professional shop before parts harvest. Machine was Gentherm Medical Cincinnati Sub-Zero Sub Zero CSZ Hemotherm Dual Reservoir Heater / Cooler Model 400MR with S/N 053-12444M
Description – Complete oem March 5C pump assy made by Fasco for CSZ for this Hemotherm application, fully tested and ready for easy replacement.
Comps - CSZ HemoTherm Family Machines
Other Numbers – 0150-0027-1000 7182-2012 TE-5C-MD
Return Policy
5 Day Return Policy. Free Return. If you receive an item that it not as described, you MUST contact us by email within 5 days to explain the situation. Please provide as much detail as possible and include pictures if you can. We will return email an authorization. You MUST get the return to us within 10 days of the authorization in order to be accepted. NO returns will be accepted unless authorized in advance and the incoming parcel has the approved RMA number clearly marked on the exterior of the package. See above. All shipping is at customer expense. All authorized returns must be sent to us via UPS or FedEX as USPS does NOT deliver to our address and will return them to the sender.
If the item you are returning is not defective, and you simply don't want it, this is referred to as a 'convenience return' and there will be a restocking cost of 25% to cover the time, labor, inventory work, sales effort and so on. Please keep this in mind before you purchase an item.
NOTE - some items are NOT returnable. This will include electronic boards, memory and related components that have been installed but have not been agreed to be defective. It is expected customer will contact us to report electronic component failures and that a troubleshooting process will ensue in which our personnel will govern procedure to confirm or deny component failure. If this has not occurred, there is no case in which we will assume financial responsibility for electrical part or components.