FOR SALE Applied Biosystems SOLiD 4 Analyzer Sequencing System in as is conditions.
Throughput: Up to 100 GB of mappable sequence or 1.4 billion reads per run with SOLiD ToP reagents
Library Type: Mate-paired libraries (insert sizes from 600 bp to 10 KB) Paired-end libraries Fragment libraries
Starting Material Type: DNA or cDNA isolated from blood or single cells, RNA, BACs, plasmids, fosmids, tissue (high tumor load), and PCR products
Amount of Starting Material: Required input of starting material varies by application
10 ng to 5 ng for fragment library
10 ng to 5 ng for paired-end library
5 ng to 20 ng for mate-paired library
Slide Configuration: Individual Samples: 1 to 8 per flow cell
Multiplexed Samples: up to 1,536 per run
Flow Cells: 2 independent flow cells
System Accuracy: Greater than 99.94% accuracy due to 2-base encoding
Consensus Base Accuracy: Greater than 99.999% accuracy at 15x coverage
Base Quality: Greater than 80% of bases at ?QV30
Multiplexing: 96 DNA and 48 RNA barcodes available
SAM and BAM format exports
Advanced informatics for 20% more mappable reads and reductions in raw accuracy down to an average of 1%
For more information please contact us.
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Items are sold as-is with no returns or refunds available unless explicitly stated.