Olympus BX43 with Fluorescence.
Other makes and models available
Includes the popular Exfo X-cite (2000 hour) metal halide lightsource with iris for easy adjustment of fluorescence intensity to 100%, 50%, 25%, 12%, or 0% .
System also includes the new, long lasting, LED transmitted lightsource and abbe condenser for transmitted observation.
It has a manual 6 position nosepiece with Olympus 4XPLFLN, 10XPLFLN, & 20XPLFLN objectives.
Other objective magnifications from 2X-100X are available and in stock as are many different tilting heads, and trinocular heads.
This complete system includes the new BX3-URA which can accomodate a total of 8 fluorescence mirror units.
Most common (GFP, RFP, DAPI, TEXAS RED, Cy3, Cy5, etc) mirror units are in stock and available.
We also have many dual and triple cubes like the 61000v2 with 3 fluorochromes DAPI/FITC/TRITC.
We also have specialty filter cubes for Genetics like Spec Gold and Aqua.
Let us know what magnifications you need and the fluorochromes you work with and we can provide a matched system.
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Items are sold as-is with no returns or refunds available unless explicitly stated.