Brand: GE
Model: Excite HDe Scanner
Field Strength: 1.5T
YOM: 2010
RF Channels: 8
Magnet Type: LCC CXK4
Package Name: HDe SR50
Gradient Type: 8907 (HFD-S Lite)
Software Level: 15.0M4_0943
Coils: Head, CTL, Wirst, T/R Quad Extremity, T/R Knee, Foot/Ankle, Shoulder, Body Array, Duo Flex
Software Options: FSE_XL, Bloodsupp, Fastine, Idrive Pro, Idrive, SmartPrep 2000 Upgrade, 2D Fat Sat Fiesta,
3DFRFSE, Asset Plus, FIESTA-c, Functool 2, Voxtool, Interactive Vascular Imaging, Clariview, Fluoro-triggered MRA,
MRCP3, PSIR, Fiesta 2D, Fiesta 3D, Asset, ¡Drive Pro Plus, T2 Breathhold, SSFSE MROP, Т2MAP, 2D MERGE,
2D Fat Sat Fiesta, 8 Channel System, Multi-Phase (variable delays), Lava, 3D Dual Echo, DW EPI, FLAIR EPI,
SPECIAL, Smart Prep, SSFSE, Three Plane Localizer, Modality Workist, E3DTOF, Echo Planar Imaging, Cine,
Fast Gradient Echo, Fast Spin Echo & FLAIR, Time of Flight, Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Videoconferencing
Contact us for any additional information you may need.
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