Over 20 Total Lots Up For Auction at One Location - TX Cleansweep 06/25

SIEMENS -  MRI Scanner - Magnetom Espree - P/N: 7392470

Request Details

Request #4889495

Status: Approved

Buyer: an Exporter (buyer info)

Manufacturer: SIEMENS

Equipment Model: Magnetom Espree

Part Number: 7392470

Have Exchange: Yes

Urgent Request: Yes

Payment Method: Seller Directly

Location: Switzerland

Sellers Queried: 39

Offers: 1

Request Description

RFPA E6 PORA for Siemens Magnetom Espree MRI Used Parts Only

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— Offers Made:
1.  Dealer from MI, USA 7276 US flag
(34 Ratings)
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