FOR SALE: One of the best PET/CT’s on the used market with LYSO material. Whole body with excellent cardiac analytical’s. THE 690 PET/CT with LYSO 16 slice is very rare on the used market. This is a big opportunity for a serious buyer to have the best.
2012 GE DISCOVERY 690 PET/CT with PET VELOCITY. 16 Slice. Detector material is LYSO 9x6 matrix. Has: PET-VELOCITY 53 HP_G16 GGTNLT software. Has new Performix 6.3 tube new in 2018 and only 18 million Mas at removal time. GDAS. SOFTWARE OPTIONS included are: PET Base, PET Dynamic Review, PET List Mode, 90 KvA, Accelerated Recon, TOF, Smart Prep, Volume Viewer, Connect Pro, Smart Speed, Direct MPR, Data Export, Copy Composer, 3000 Image Series, Volume Viewer PET, Patient 16 slice, Power 440, Auto MA, Wide View, PET Diagnostic CT, PET 3D Iterative Recon, PET Cardiac, PET Cardiac Review, Direct 3D, Motion Free Apps, Rad_Rx, Exam Split, Noise Reduction Filter, Smart Score Pro, EKG Viewer, ACQC, PET Cardiac Shift, Sharp IR, Power Upgrade Package, Enhanced Recon.
3000 Image Series, Volume Viewer PET, Patient 16 slice, Power 440, Auto MA, Wide View, PET Diagnostic CT, PET 3D Iterative Recon, PET Cardiac, PET Cardiac Review, Direct 3D, Motion Free Apps, Rad_Rx, Exam Split, Noise Reduction Filter, Smart Score Pro, EKG Viewer, ACQC, PET Cardiac Shift, Sharp IR, Power Upgrade Package, Enhanced Recon.
For SALE: Owned by United medical. Coming available in July. Serviced by GE. Have all tests prior to removal. Subject to availability.
PRICE: Please call for pricing.
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