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WAB Rotator/Mixer/Rocker For Sale and Wanted

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Rotator/Mixer/Rocker equipment is a type of laboratory equipment used to mix, stir, and rotate samples. It is commonly used in the scientific and medical fields for research, testing, and analysis. The equipment is designed to provide a consistent and accurate mixing of samples. It is also used for homogenizing, blending, and stirring of samples.

The price range for Rotator/Mixer/Rocker equipment can vary depending on the type and size of the equipment. Smaller, less powerful models can cost as little as a few hundred dollars, while larger, more powerful models can cost several thousand dollars. Popular manufacturers of Rotator/Mixer/Rocker equipment include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eppendorf, and VWR. These companies offer a wide range of models and features, so it is important to research and compare different models before making a purchase.