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PHILIPS Anesthesia Monitor Services and Repairs
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Service For PHILIPS MP90 Anesthesia Monitor

We repair all monitoring & defibrillator equipments Philips: Patient Monitor (VMs, MPs, MXs, FMs, TCs) Defibrillator (XL, MRx, DFM) We present a repair service that reflects our dedication to... view more

October 14  

Service For PHILIPS MP70 Anesthesia Monitor

We repair all monitoring & defibrillator equipments Philips: Patient Monitor (VMs, MPs, MXs, FMs, TCs) Defibrillator (XL, MRx, DFM) We present a repair service that reflects our dedication to... view more

October 14  

Service For PHILIPS MP50 Anesthesia Monitor

We repair all monitoring & defibrillator equipments Philips: Patient Monitor (VMs, MPs, MXs, FMs, TCs) Defibrillator (XL, MRx, DFM) We present a repair service that reflects our dedication to... view more

October 14  

Service For PHILIPS IntelliVue MP70 Anesthesia Monitor

We repair all monitoring & defibrillator equipments Philips: Patient Monitor (VMs, MPs, MXs, FMs, TCs) Defibrillator (XL, MRx, DFM) We present a repair service that reflects our dedication to... view more

October 14  

Service For PHILIPS IntelliVue MP50 Anesthesia Monitor

We repair all monitoring & defibrillator equipments Philips: Patient Monitor (VMs, MPs, MXs, FMs, TCs) Defibrillator (XL, MRx, DFM) We present a repair service that reflects our dedication to... view more

October 14  

Service For PHILIPS IntelliVue G5 Anesthesia Monitor

We repair all monitoring & defibrillator equipments Philips: Patient Monitor (VMs, MPs, MXs, FMs, TCs) Defibrillator (XL, MRx, DFM) We present a repair service that reflects our dedication to... view more

October 14  
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Anesthesia Monitor

Anesthesia monitor equipment is used to monitor a patient's vital signs during surgery. This equipment includes pulse oximeters, capnographs, and electrocardiographs. Pulse oximeters measure the oxygen saturation of the patient's blood, capnographs measure the concentration of carbon dioxide in the patient's breath, and electrocardiographs measure the electrical activity of the heart. Anesthesia monitor equipment is essential for ensuring the safety of the patient during surgery.

The price range for anesthesia monitor equipment varies depending on the type and manufacturer. Basic pulse oximeters can cost as little as $100, while more sophisticated models with additional features can cost up to $2000. Capnographs and electrocardiographs can cost anywhere from $500 to $5000. The most popular manufacturers of anesthesia monitor equipment include GE Healthcare, Philips, and Drager. These companies offer a wide range of products with varying features and price points.