Over 200 New York Auctions End Tomorrow 01/22 - Bid Now
Over 450 Total Lots Up For Auction at Three Locations - CA 01/24, TX 01/30, UT 01/31

Automatic Listing Transfer

With an Ultimate Upgrade DOTmed lets you auto upload your listings into your DOTmed account a couple of different ways.

Ebay Scrape

Want to manage your DOTmed inventory based off your eBay Store? DOTmed can get your eBay items and update/delete/add listings to your DOTmed account based on your eBay inventory. That way you only have to update your eBay inventory and focus on what you do best - Selling your equipment. Click here to connect your ebay account and DOTmed account.


You can use the DOTmed JSON REST API to send updates/delete listings and view your listings easily at your convenience. Click here to learn more

Listing Feed

You can also create a feed that DOTmed will scrape at whatever interval you want to update your DOTmed inventory. The Listing Feed specifications can be found below

Please Note: You must be a 'Trusted' Upload Tool user to set up a feed.

Setting up your feed

Tab Separated File Instructions

Feed Options

* are required
Listings*listingsThe container for every listing element
Listing*listingslisting1 or more containers. 1 for each Listing you wish to add/edit
Category*listingcategoryThe DOTmed Category in which to place the listing. Browse for your categories on DOTmed, or view the 2nd sheet in your downloaded listings excel spreadsheet for reference. Be sure to use the name exactly as given. You can also use the category ID. You can also get a list here: https://www.dotmed.com/ajax/requests/api/v2/descriptions.json
System Model*listingmodelThe model of the equipment. This is the name given by the manufacturer to this product. Examples from the automobile world include Corvette, 735i, E500 or CTS. If the listing is for a part, this is the model of the equipment that the part fits into. While a part may fit more than one model, you can only list one model per part listing. Maximum 128 characters, no HTML.
System Mfg*listingmfgThe OEM of the equipment in the listing. Examples, again from the auto world, would include Chevrolet, BMW, Mercedes or Cadillac. For parts this is the OEM of the equipment that the part fits.
Part Mfg*listingpart_mfgOnly for part listings, this is the manufacturer of the part in the listing. While many OEM parts will be manufacturered by the OEM of the machine, there may be cases when there will be a different (third party) manufacturer of a part for a different equipment manufacturer. Exact manufacturer name only, no HTML.
Comments*listingcommentsA long form description of your listing. Simple HTML for formatting is allowed, but no external links, images or design elements are allowed. No colors, bold or otherwise styled text is allowed.
Part Number*listingpart_numberApplicable only to part listings, this is the OEM part number of the part. Maximum 128 characters, no HTML.
Part/Item Namelistingpart_description_or_item_nameFor service listings: more info to describe the type of service. For part listings: this is the name of the part. Examples include: circuit board, switch, hard drive, etc. For equipment listings: certain categories allow an item name if the category includes multiple types of items. Examples of this include "Accessory", "General" or "Other" categories. Maximum 128 characters, no HTML. The 3rd worksheet on the download will have an asterisk(*) next to their name if they need an item name.
Condition*listingconditionCondition: The condition of the item in the listing. Allowed values include: New, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Parts or Unknown.
Listing Type*listingtypeEither "equipment", "part" or "service". You cannot change a listing type once the listing is created.
Request Typelistingwanted"For Sale" or "Wanted" only
PricelistingpriceThe Asking price for a "For Sale" listing or the Offer price for a "Wanted" listing. Integer or XX.XX format. Currency symbol not necessary (see Currency Column). (Optional)
D2D Pricelistingdealer_priceFor our Dealer2Dealer users, the price that they will sell this equipment at wholesale. (Optional)
VTS Friend Pricelistingvts_priceFor our Dealer2Dealer users, an optional price that you will offer this listing to for your VTS "Friends" (Optional)
CurrencylistingcurrencyThe currency that the prices above are in. Possible values include US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, or Euros
QuantitylistingquantityThe quantity available (defaults to 1). Integer.
Buy Now Activate?listingpaypalWhether or not to include a "Buy Now" button on this "For Sale" listing. "y" or "n".
Buy Now Shippinglistingpaypal_shippingThe shipping price if paying with Buy Now button. This overrides your Buy Now Account shipping setup. Use '0' for free shipping.
Ships Within (days)listingships_withinA shipping timeframe. e.g. 3 days
Make an Offer?listingmake_offerIf you want the 'Make An Offer' button on this listing where users can submit their own prices. 'y' or 'n'
Auto-Accept Offers abovelistingoffer_acceptAutomatically accept offers that are above the amount provided in this column. All other offers will be sent to you by email. This is optional
Auto-Reject Offers belowlistingoffer_rejectAutomatically reject offers that are below teh amount provided in this column. All other offers will be sent to you by email. This is optional
WeightlistingweightThe weight of the item for shipping calculations. Only integer or decimal in the units given in the next column. (Optional)
Weight Units (1 = 'Lbs', 2= 'Kg')listingweight_units1 = 'Lbs', 2 = 'Kg'
HeightlistingheightThe height of the item. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value
WidthlistingwidthThe Width of the item. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value
DepthlistingdepthThe Depth of the item. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value
Sale %listingonsaleAdd a Sale % tag to your listing
Bulk Shipping Eligiblelistingbulk_shippingThis listing will be eligible for your bulk shipping discount rules.
Available as Parts?listingpartsWill you consider selling this equipment listing as a parts unit or selling parts from the unit individually? y/n
In Stocklistingin_stockIf you have physical control of the item in your inventory, then indicate "y". Otherwise "n" if the item is not in your inventory (for "For Sale" Listings only)
Item IDlistinggtinA universal identification code for this equipment. Very helpful for buyers comparing different listings, or to verify that a seller has the item you need (Optional but recommended)
Item ID Type (SKU/EAC/JAN/MPN/MMN)listinggtin_type(SKU/EAC/JAN/MPN/MMN)
Your Item IDlistingskuIf you use an inventory management system and would like to assign a unique ID to your listings (for instance, to find the right item for shipment) enter it here. Each entry must be unique throughout the history of your listings. Maximum of 64 alphanumic characters, no HTML. (Optional)
Your Item ID 2listingsku2A second identifying ID. Maximum of 64 alphanumic characters, no HTML. (Optional)
Alt. Addresslistingalt_addressUltimate Only. Use the Short Name of the alternate address you created in your Ultimate Settings. eg. 'Ohio Warehouse'
Youtube URLlistingyoutubeThe URL of the youtube video you want to embed on the listing. Equipment Only.
Video URLlistingvideoThe URL of the video you want to show on your listing. Equipment Only.
Listing ID (Leave Blank to Add)listingidDOTmed's Listing ID - used to update an existing Listing. Integer only. PLEASE NOTE: If the mfg, category, part number and model match a current listing of yours, It will use that instead of adding a new one.
Deletelistingdeleteput a Y to delete this listing.
Auto-Renewlistingauto_renewAuto renew this listing. Ultimate Upgrade Only
SpecificationslistingspecsSpecification Container
Specification NamespecsnameThe Specification Name
Specification ValuespecsvalueThe Specification Value
PhotoslistingphotosPhotos Container
PhotophotosphotoPhotos URL. Images must be to a fully qualified url on a public server. There can be up to the max photos children allowed for your upgrade in the <photos> container
Remove Photoslistingremove_images'y' or 'n', default 'n'. Will remove non-passed in images from your listings. eg. If you had 3 photos before, but only pass in 2 photos, the 3rd photo will be deleted
UseridlistinguseridThe userid of the store you want this listing associated with. Only needed if you are using the same API token for multiple stores. Each store must be associated with the main API token user account and must also have DOTmed API access (an API token). Please contact your DOTmed sales rep for more information.

Example Data

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <comments>A Acuson Solgar Minute Volume Tester. Hardly used</comments>
        <category>Minute Volume Tester</category>
        <width>23 Inches</width>
            <specname1>Expiration Date</specname1>

        <comments>This is a thorough description of the part</comments>
        <category>Minute Volume Tester</category>
        <width>23 Inches</width>


  "listings": {
    "listing": [
        "mfg": "ACUSON",
        "model": "SOlgar",
        "comments": "A Acuson Solgar Minute Volume Tester. Hardly used",
        "category": "Minute Volume Tester",
        "price": "60.00",
        "type": "equipment",
        "width": "23 Inches",
        "id": 23523,
        "photos": {
          "photo": [
	"specs": [
		{ "name": "width", "value": "19 inches"	},
		{"name": "height","value": "20 inches"}
        "mfg": "ACUSON",
        "model": "test",
        "comments": "This is a thorough description of the part",
        "category": "Minute Volume Tester",
        "part_number": "35-252",
        "part_mfg": "ACUSON",
        "part_description_or_item_name": "Handle",
        "paypal": "y",
        "wanted": "Wanted",
        "type": "part",
        "width": "23 Inches",
        "photos": { 
          "photo": "https://www.example.com/images/1.jpg" 
        "userid": "515352",

Tab Separated File

The first row must contain the column names found on the Listing Upload Tool:

CategoryThe DOTmed Category in which to place the listing. Browse for your categories on DOTmed, or view the 2nd sheet in your downloaded listings excel spreadsheet for reference. Be sure to use the name exactly as given. You can also use the category ID. You can also get a list here: https://www.dotmed.com/ajax/requests/api/v2/descriptions.json
System ModelThe model of the equipment. This is the name given by the manufacturer to this product. Examples from the automobile world include Corvette, 735i, E500 or CTS. If the listing is for a part, this is the model of the equipment that the part fits into. While a part may fit more than one model, you can only list one model per part listing. Maximum 128 characters, no HTML.
System MfgThe OEM of the equipment in the listing. Examples, again from the auto world, would include Chevrolet, BMW, Mercedes or Cadillac. For parts this is the OEM of the equipment that the part fits.
Part MfgOnly for part listings, this is the manufacturer of the part in the listing. While many OEM parts will be manufacturered by the OEM of the machine, there may be cases when there will be a different (third party) manufacturer of a part for a different equipment manufacturer. Exact manufacturer name only, no HTML.
CommentsA long form description of your listing. Simple HTML for formatting is allowed, but no external links, images or design elements are allowed. No colors, bold or otherwise styled text is allowed.
Part NumberApplicable only to part listings, this is the OEM part number of the part. Maximum 128 characters, no HTML.
Part/Item NameFor service listings: more info to describe the type of service. For part listings: this is the name of the part. Examples include: circuit board, switch, hard drive, etc. For equipment listings: certain categories allow an item name if the category includes multiple types of items. Examples of this include "Accessory", "General" or "Other" categories. Maximum 128 characters, no HTML. The 3rd worksheet on the download will have an asterisk(*) next to their name if they need an item name.
ConditionCondition: The condition of the item in the listing. Allowed values include: New, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Parts or Unknown.
Listing TypeEither "equipment", "part" or "service". You cannot change a listing type once the listing is created.
Request Type"For Sale" or "Wanted" only
PriceThe Asking price for a "For Sale" listing or the Offer price for a "Wanted" listing. Integer or XX.XX format. Currency symbol not necessary (see Currency Column). (Optional)
D2D PriceFor our Dealer2Dealer users, the price that they will sell this equipment at wholesale. (Optional)
VTS Friend PriceFor our Dealer2Dealer users, an optional price that you will offer this listing to for your VTS "Friends" (Optional)
CurrencyThe currency that the prices above are in. Possible values include US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, or Euros
QuantityThe quantity available (defaults to 1). Integer.
Buy Now Activate?Whether or not to include a "Buy Now" button on this "For Sale" listing. "y" or "n".
Buy Now ShippingThe shipping price if paying with Buy Now button. This overrides your Buy Now Account shipping setup. Use '0' for free shipping.
Ships Within (days)A shipping timeframe. e.g. 3 days
Make an Offer?If you want the 'Make An Offer' button on this listing where users can submit their own prices. 'y' or 'n'
Auto-Accept Offers aboveAutomatically accept offers that are above the amount provided in this column. All other offers will be sent to you by email. This is optional
Auto-Reject Offers belowAutomatically reject offers that are below teh amount provided in this column. All other offers will be sent to you by email. This is optional
WeightThe weight of the item for shipping calculations. Only integer or decimal in the units given in the next column. (Optional)
Weight Units (1 = 'Lbs', 2= 'Kg')1 = 'Lbs', 2 = 'Kg'
HeightThe height of the item. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value
WidthThe Width of the item. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value
DepthThe Depth of the item. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value
Sale %Add a Sale % tag to your listing
Bulk Shipping EligibleThis listing will be eligible for your bulk shipping discount rules.
Available as Parts?Will you consider selling this equipment listing as a parts unit or selling parts from the unit individually? y/n
In StockIf you have physical control of the item in your inventory, then indicate "y". Otherwise "n" if the item is not in your inventory (for "For Sale" Listings only)
Item IDA universal identification code for this equipment. Very helpful for buyers comparing different listings, or to verify that a seller has the item you need (Optional but recommended)
Your Item IDIf you use an inventory management system and would like to assign a unique ID to your listings (for instance, to find the right item for shipment) enter it here. Each entry must be unique throughout the history of your listings. Maximum of 64 alphanumic characters, no HTML. (Optional)
Your Item ID 2A second identifying ID. Maximum of 64 alphanumic characters, no HTML. (Optional)
Alt. AddressUltimate Only. Use the Short Name of the alternate address you created in your Ultimate Settings. eg. 'Ohio Warehouse'
Youtube URLThe URL of the youtube video you want to embed on the listing. Equipment Only.
Video URLThe URL of the video you want to show on your listing. Equipment Only.
Listing ID (Leave Blank to Add)DOTmed's Listing ID - used to update an existing Listing. Integer only. PLEASE NOTE: If the mfg, category, part number and model match a current listing of yours, It will use that instead of adding a new one.
Deleteput a Y to delete this listing.
Auto-RenewAuto renew this listing. Ultimate Upgrade Only
Image ColumnsYou can include additional columns (up to the maximum allowed for your account type) referencing images online for these listings. HTML Links only, each cell should start with 'http://' or 'https://'. Verify that these files are accessible publicly online and do not require authentication. Provide links to the image file only, not an HTML page on which the image is embedded. JPG/PNG/GIF filetypes only. If you have your files saved locally on your computer (and not stored online) then you will need to upload the listings and add the images to them later through our My DOTmed Individual Listing Editor. Do not use this tool to reorder existing photographs on an existing listing, use the Individual Listing Editor instead.


Adding or Editing variants of your listings is now possible. Only fill out the following columns for variant rows. The rest will be ignored.
System Model*The name of your variant. E.G. Expires 6/24 or Color: Green
Listing Type*value must be 'VARIANT'
Price*The Price of your variant
Quantity*The Quantity of your variant
Buy Now ShippingThe shipping price if paying with Buy Now button. This overrides your Buy Now Account shipping setup. Use '0' for free shipping
WeightWeight of the variant. If blank then it will use the value in the 'Weight' field of the parent listing
Weight Units1 = 'Lbs', 2 = 'Kg'. If blank then it will use the value in the 'Weight Units' field of the parent listing
HeightThe Height of the variant. If blank then it will use the value in the 'Height' field of the parent listing. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value variant.
WidthThe Width of the variant. If blank then it will use the value in the 'Width' field of the parent listing. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value variant.
DepthThe Depth of the variant. If blank then it will use the value in the 'Depth' field of the parent listing. Place a 0 in the column to remove the current value variant.
Your Item ID*A Unique ID for the variant.
Your Item ID 2The Unique ID for the 'Parent' listing. Optional if 'Listing ID' is filled out
Listing IDThe Listing ID for the 'Parent' listing. Optional if 'Your Item ID 2' is filled out with the Parent Unique ID
Delete'y' will remove this variant from the listing