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DM Messenger Help

Click here for DM Messenger Settings

How DM Messenger works

You can choose to log in to DM messenger automatically on every page of DOTmed or to log in when you go to the DM Messenger Message page.

Once logged in, anyone on DOTmed can chat with you via your listings, VTS Booth, or DOTmed profile page.

You can chat on the mobile site and on the mobile DOTmed app as well by going to My DOTmed. Chat also keeps a log of all your chats so you can revisit a conversation at any time.

Click here to view the Chat Settings and get Chat on every page!

Mobile Chat Views

Blocking People

1) Occasionally, another Elite Level User will try and chat with you and you may not to receive these chats.

2) You can block this User and stop receiving messages from them by clicking on the block icon () on their chat box or by going to "My DOTmed" > "Elite Package." > "Modify My IM Roster". Blocking a Dealer from IM also blocks them from seeing "Friend" pricing.

Direct Messenger for your website - powered by DOTmed

Here's how it works: Copy and paste the Live Help! code on your website. Whenever you are logged into chat on DOTmed, the chat on your website becomes active too. To visitors on your website, Direcet Messenger will look and feel like you own it. Any visitor to your website can chat with you -- as long as you are logged into Direct Messenger on DOTmed. That's it!

The HTML can be found here under 'Live Help'

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This box can show up anywhere you want on your own website as well as in every listing on DOTmed