Michael Johns, Project Manager | May 31, 2006
HOSPITALAR 2006 - 13th International Fair for Products, Equipment, Services and Technology for Hospitals, Health Clinics and Laboratories will take place in So Paulo - Brazil - from June 20 to 23.
The fair displays from the most sophisticated state-of-the-art medical technology up to more practical equipment, using local and less advanced solutions, all of these in a wide variety of alternatives in quality and prices. HOSPITALAR is a multi-sector trade fair, featuring 1.000 Brazilian and international exhibitors, launching products or services and meeting potential and already existing clients.
Thousands of items used in the healthcare sector can be seen at HOSPITALAR, where visitors get familiarized with their application and technical details in a direct interaction with the suppliers.

Ad Statistics
Times Displayed: 93173
Times Visited: 5946 MIT labs, experts in Multi-Vendor component level repair of: MRI Coils, RF amplifiers, Gradient Amplifiers Contrast Media Injectors. System repairs, sub-assembly repairs, component level repairs, refurbish/calibrate. (305) 470-8013
On display will be:
Hospital equipment, Medical technology, Laboratory equipment, Emergency and transportation and much more.
Imported products are vital for the healthcare: The need for imported products continues to be vital in the Brazilian healthcare sector, a good enough reason for HOSPITALAR to have around 25% of foreign exhibitors.
International and globalised, HOSPITALAR gathers exhibitors from 29 countries, bringing to the healthcare consumers the best of the Brazilian industry as well as of Latin America, Europe, USA and the Far East.
Brazil is appointed as one of the largest economy in South America with the highest potential in the healthcare market. Hospitalar is the most important forum aimed at the healthcare area, a sector worth R$ 121 billion/year in Brazil, which generates 2 million direct jobs and 5 million indirect jobs.
The Latin American healthcare market promises to be a leader in healthcare expenditure for years to come. Act now and enjoy the growth.
HOSPITALAR 2006 - So Paulo, Brazil