Henry Ford Hospital first in Michigan to perform non-surgical mitral valve repair procedure

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | June 08, 2018 Cardiology

“The 3D-imaging played live on a screen provides a roadmap for guided implementation of each portion of the band,” Dr. Wang said. “This ensures patient safety and optimal outcomes.”

Most patients will see immediate improvement in their breathing and other side-effects of mitral valve regurgitation. Patients will typically go home within a couple of days of the procedure, said Henry Ford cardiologist Marvin Eng, M.D., who performed the May 31 CardioBand procedure with Dr. O’Neill.

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“I think it’s a wonderful opportunity because these patients don’t usually have alternatives,” said Dr. Eng, Director of Research for the Center of Structural Heart Disease and the center’s fellowship director. “We are glad to add another option to our suite of procedures offered at Henry Ford to treat the mitral valve.”

The ACTIVE Trial is a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial registered at ClinicalTrials.gov. Patients with clinically significant functional mitral regurgitation will be randomized 2:1 to receive either medical therapy or transcatheter mitral valve repair with the CardioBand plus medical therapy. Patients will be seen for follow-up visits at discharge, 30 days, 6 months, and annually through 5 years.

Researchers estimate the prevalence of valvular heart disease at 2.5% in the US population, sharply increasing after age 65 as valves age. The proportion of valvular surgeries has increased in recent years and is estimated to account for 20% of all cardiac surgeries.

For more information on the clinical trial, visit: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03016975?term=cardioband&cntry=US&rank=2

About Henry Ford Health System
Henry Ford Health System is a six-hospital system headquartered in Detroit, Michigan. It is one of the nation's leading comprehensive, integrated health systems, recognized for clinical excellence and innovation. Henry Ford Health System provides both health insurance and health care delivery, including acute, specialty, primary and preventive care services backed by excellence in research and education. Henry Ford Health System is led by President & CEO Wright Lassiter III.

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