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Start-ups will once again have a starring role at MEDICA 2024, with the finals of two competitions among the program highlights

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | October 29, 2024 Business Affairs

Finalists Saventic Health (Poland), U-Care Medical Srl (Italy) and IQONIC.AI (Germany) are all in on artificial intelligence. Saventic uses AI to detect rare diseases, U-Care to improve clinical outcomes in intensive care units, and IQONIC.AI provides AI-supported dermatology solutions for analyzing skin conditions and issuing personalized treatment recommendations based on advanced imaging technology.

The robotics category will be represented in the final by Robota (Italy), Robeauté (France) and Goodbot (Germany). Robeauté is supporting the medical profession by supplying neurosurgical micro-robots. Robota offers an automated system for sterilizing surgical instruments, while Goodbot provides an innovative pipetting robot.

Doctorderma (Germany), Vertify GmbH (Austria) and PharmaTrail AG (Switzerland) will present their health apps. PharmaTrail develops digital solutions to streamline and optimize clinical trial management to improve efficiency and data accuracy in pharmaceutical research.

AGED Diagnostics (U.S.), Fepod Oy Ltd (Finland) and Dxcover (UK) are focused on laboratory diagnostics. For example, Dxcover will present an innovative liquid biopsy technology for the early detection of cancer via a simple blood test.

“Women Leaders in Healthcare” - with women's power to success

The MEDICA INNOVATION FORUM will also host a session on women leaders in healthcare on November 12 at 12:15 pm. Women working in the industry are then invited to network with female executives. Dr. Sulzmaier is particularly looking forward to this: “More women are visible in the healthcare sector – and at MEDICA – than in many other industries, and we want to keep moving forward in this regard.” Svenja Lassen, Managing Director for Germany at Gateway Ventures and founder of the Female Investors Network, will moderate a panel discussion on female leaders in the health sector at 1:00 pm. The panelists will be Nina Wöss, co-founder of Female Founders, Hadas Bitran from Microsoft, Tarushi Ranatunga, responsible for knowledge management at Softmatter in Sri Lanka, and Dr. Caroline Fichtner, Principal of the High-Tech Gründerfonds, a public-private venture capital firm supporting start-ups in Germany.

After the panel, several women who have achieved a great deal as founders and inventors will share their solutions and experiences: Dr. Anne Latz, co-founder of Hello Inside, Audrey A. Sherman from Solventum (formerly 3M Healthcare) who holds more than 150 patents, and Dr. Marie Berthuel, co-founder of BeFC – Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells in France.

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