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AAMI attendees know where it's at

by Sean Ruck, Contributing Editor | June 04, 2012

While some of the requirements have been dialed back, there are still enough in play that make asset tracking incredibly important to facilities wishing to avoid non-compliance penalties. So knowing what equipment is due for preventive maintenance and where it can be found to perform the PM could be crucial.

"Hospitals could get hit hard if they're non-compliant in their preventative maintenance," said David Turner, technical support/installations for MediMizer. The company's software focuses on letting a facility know what equipment is up for PM, allowing the biomeds to plan accordingly.

When asked about how long it would take a facility to see a return on investment, Turner replied, "If they're using the technology correctly and taking the appropriate actions based on the information it provides, it would be impossible to say, since they wouldn't be hit with non-compliance for preventative maintenance and that's really where they're getting their return on investment -- in not losing those reimbursement dollars."

While not nearly as numerous as the dozen or so exhibitors showcasing the software, the technology behind it was still diverse. RTLS can utilize infrared technology, WiFi and ultrasound technology to track assets, employees and patients. There are advantages and disadvantages to each -- all of which we'll cover in an upcoming report.

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