About Park Avenue Associates in Radiology, PC
Park Avenue Associates in Radiology, PC based in Binghamton, New York, was founded in 1987. This 15-physician practice provides a full range of imaging services to Wilson Memorial Medical Center, a 280-bed teaching hospital located in Johnson City, New York and Binghampton General Hospital in Binghampton. NY.
About McKesson
McKesson Corporation, currently ranked 14th on the FORTUNE 500, is a healthcare services and information technology company dedicated to making the business of healthcare run better. We partner with payers, hospitals, physician offices, pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies and others across the spectrum of care to build healthier organizations that deliver better care to patients in every setting. McKesson helps its customers improve their financial, operational, and clinical performance with solutions that include pharmaceutical and medical-surgical supply management, healthcare information technology, and business and clinical services. For more information, visit http://www.mckesson.com.
Yancey Casey
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