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Michael Johns of
DOTmed.com, Inc. | August 08, 2013
DOTmed: Please outline the scope of this project.
New York Methodist Hospital unveiled preliminary plans for construction of a new outpatient care building, the Center for Community Health, on existing Hospital property at a joint meeting of the Park Slope Civic Council Board of Trustees and the Landmarks/Land Use Committee of Community Board Six on July 11, 2013.
The facility will enable NYM to provide enhanced outpatient care with greater comfort for both patients and staff members, and to reconfigure and expand inpatient services within the current facilities.
"Brooklyn has the fastest growing residential population within New York City, and that growth is reflected in the number of Brooklyn residents who come to New York Methodist Hospital for care," said Mark J. Mundy, president and CEO of the Hospital. "Over the past few decades, the Hospital's inpatient and outpatient services have dramatically increased in volume, with over 40,000 inpatient and 350,000 outpatient encounters now logged annually."
At the same time, advances in technology and changes in the healthcare delivery system have resulted in more procedures performed on an outpatient basis, and increased space requirements. A new facility is necessary for the Hospital to continue providing the high quality care our community expects and needs.
Services planned for the building include a new ambulatory (outpatient) surgery center, an endoscopy suite, an urgent care center and a comprehensive cancer center that includes radiation oncology and chemotherapy services on-site, as well as physician offices and conference facilities.
A vital part of the planning process will be the gathering of input from Park Slope residents as the project gets underway, said Mr. Mundy. "New York Methodist Hospital has been a part of Park Slope for over 130 years. An open dialogue with our community regarding the building's design, its expression and relationship to Park Slope, is crucial, so the process of planning the design for this new facility will involve significant opportunities for our staff and neighbors to provide us with suggestions and ideas."
DOTmed: How will this project help the community you serve?
Public meetings at which design drafts will be discussed with members of the community, will be held this fall. In addition, neighborhood residents are invited to submit email comments, questions and concerns about the project to build@nym.org.