John W. Mitchell, Senior Correspondent | April 27, 2015
From the April 2015 issue of HealthCare Business News magazine
HCBN: What are your strategic goals?
TF: Each strategic plan update causes us to declare if we will expand beyond women’s services or enhance the services we already provide. So far, we have opted to remain in the women’s services space. For example, we’ve added robotic surgery and a mammography mobile unit that travels to outlying communities to reduce barriers to access for women due to lack of insurance or distance.
Woman’s enjoys great brand recognition and we’re getting requests from outlying community hospitals to collaborate on their women’s services. We participate in numerous quality, safety, and outcome improvement initiatives, such as the AHA’s HEN, IHI’s peri-natal collaborative, and the Vermont Oxford Network for NICU care. Sharing information and benchmarking has led to many areas of improvement in care. I am proud of how our team has embraced the notion that high-quality care can always be improved.
HCBN: What does the future of health care have in store for Woman’s Hospital?
TF: The entire sector is being impacted and propelled by technology. I am especially impressed by some of the apps being developed that keep people healthy or improve management of chronic disease. Regarding obstetrics, patients are increasingly requesting natural childbirth and midwives, and there is even a slight increase in home births. Such progress will impact the need for bricks and mortar, but could also reduce capital needs. I think the future holds a lot of opportunity for hospitals, especially those that specialize in a narrow service line, and concentrate on doing it well. We must be nimble, visionary, and consider how to convert challenges and threats into opportunities.
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