John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | June 21, 2018
Bruker Corporation is expanding its reach in the world of nuclear medicine with the debut of its next-generation preclinical imaging software, ParaVision 360.
Initially designed for advanced research-grade endeavors in preclinical MR, the technology is now equipped to assess PET images as well, with its skills put on full display this week alongside AVANCE NEO, the latest version of Bruker’s magnetic resonance console, at the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Conference (ISMRM) in Paris, France.
"ParaVision 360 and the AVANCE NEO are new enabling platforms for seamless, multimodal preclinical imaging,” Dr. Wulf-Ingo Jung, president of the Bruker BioSpin preclinical imaging division, said in a statement. “The PET/MR market is dynamic and fast growing, and we take pride in being a leading innovator with our full Field Of View (FOV) PET inserts and in-line systems, even for ultra-high field MR. These innovations will contribute to a better understanding of pathobiology, and to the development of new treatments for diseases like cancer, cardio-vascular or neuro-degenerative diseases."

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ParaVision 360 enables users to perform sequential or simultaneous PET/MR measurements and analysis, and offers convenient workflows with standard operating procedures for MR and integrated PET/MR workflow, from animal positioning to scan sequences, to processing and management.
The new version of the software is equipped with the IntraGateUTE method for creating artifact-free images of a beating heart that allow cardiology researchers to perform CINE measurement of the entire organ in a small rodent in less than 15 minutes, a rate at least eight times faster than with other preclinical methods.
Powered by ParaVision 360, AVANCE NEO is designed with a novel multi-channel architecture and can be configured for up to 24 transmit and receive channels for MR.
“We are excited by the unique dynamic shimming capability for a drastic improvement in sensitivity and specificity of metabolic imaging, and more accurate mapping of the structural and functional connectivity in neuroscience,” Dr. Tim Wokrina, Bruker's preclinical MRI market manager, said in a statement.
Bruker did not respond for comment.