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The University of Lausanne installs a high-end MILabs’ Duet Optical Imager in its core In-Vivo Imaging Laboratory

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | February 14, 2020 CT X-Ray
The University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) have acquired MILabs latest in-vivo optical imaging and diagnostic X-ray CT systems. The systems will be installed in the In-Vivo Imaging Facility (IVIF) and serve a dual optical imaging function. Aptly named the Duet Optical Imaging Module, the system can be used on a docking station for 2D in-vivo planar bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging of up to ten mice at once, or mounted on MILabs X- ray CT platform so that quantitative CT-guided 3D optical tomography images can be obtained with both bioluminescence and fluorescence probes.

Dr. Alexandre Bénéchet, Head of In-Vivo Imaging Facility, explains “This unique state-of-the-art optical imaging system expands the optical imaging capabilities of our laboratory beyond the capabilities of conventional in-vivo optical imaging labs. With the Duet Optical Module installed on the docking station we can image large cohorts of animals for e.g. phenotyping applications while the installation on the in-line CT system enables exclusive 3D optical imaging applications, fused with diagnostic CT data.”

According to Prof. Frederik Beekman, CEO/CSO of MILabs: “We are grateful that the IVIF core facility has selected our Duet optical imager to complement their two-photon microscopy cell analysis with our dual functionally in-vivo whole-body animal imaging system. Besides conventional high-throughput 2D imaging, the system can deliver the world’s first 3D optical tomography images when installed on our in-line ultra-high-resolution U-CT system.

About the In Vivo Imaging Facility (IVIF) – University of Lausanne
The IVIF provides state of the art multimodal in-vivo imaging for the visualization of pathological processes in pre-clinical mouse model. The activity focuses on the use of non-invasive or minimally invasive imaging modalities from the whole body to the single cell level, including in vivo optical imaging (bioluminescence and fluorescence detection) and micro-computed tomography (CT) and deep imaging two-photon microscopy. The instruments are distributed and incorporated over 250 m2 of animal facility within the AGORA cancer research center at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and the Epalinges site at the University of Lausanne (UNIL).

About MILabs B.V.
This fast-growing Dutch company has a history of providing a continuum of innovations to expand the applications preclinical molecular imaging. With its latest adaptive platform, MILabs has succeeded at commercializing a scalable imaging platform, able to accommodate Optical and CT imaging as well as the nuclear PET and SPECT techniques. MILabs has built a strong brand based on its mission of “Making Molecular Imaging Clear”. With ultra-high-resolution and multiparametric imaging complemented by theranostic capabilities, it provides efficient translational systems for both diagnostic and therapy applications. For more information, visit: www.milabs.com or contact MILabs at info@milabs.com.

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