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House Energy and Commerce Committee Health System Reform Mark Up Completed Before Recess

by Joan Trombetti, Writer | August 02, 2009
* Physician hospital ownership: Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.) offered and withdrew an amendment that would have struck the bill's restrictions on physician-owned hospitals. After considerable discussion, Committee Chairman Henry Waxman pledged to work with Rep. Barton to develop compromise language for later incorporation into the legislation.

The Energy and Commerce Committee is the third panel in the House to mark up H.R. 3200. Over the August recess, the three committee products are expected to be combined into a single bill for consideration on the House floor.

Read the bill and status at the Library of Congress (a direct link is prominent on the legislative home page):

For the latest developments on health system reform legislative activities and AMA advocacy efforts, please go to www.ama-assn.org/go/reform.

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