New Mammography Guidelines Could Have Deadly Effects for American Women

Press releases may be edited for formatting or style | November 24, 2009

"There has been debate in this country for years about the age at which routine screening mammograms should begin, and how often they should be given." Secretary Sebelius said. "The Task Force has presented some new evidence for consideration but our policies remain unchanged. Indeed, I would be very surprised if any private insurance company changed its mammography coverage."

The complex health issues facing women today deserve and demand the singular dedication of a passionate company committed to doing everything in its power to help women live longer, stronger, healthier lives. Hologic is proud of the difference we have made in women's lives for nearly 25 years and recognize the responsibility that our leadership position brings.

Our focus and concentration on breast cancer is unparalleled. No other major healthcare company devotes a higher percentage of its resources to the development and deployment of screening, diagnostic and therapeutic technologies to meet the diverse challenges of this disease. As a result, radiologists, breast surgeons, radiation oncologists, and related healthcare professionals alike have come to rely on our continued advancements in digital mammography, biopsy technologies, and radiation-focused breast conservation therapy and through our philanthropy, many women are receiving mammograms for the first time in their lives.

Hologic welcomes your comments on our position on this and other women's health issues. Please contact us at womenshealth(at)

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