Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | August 08, 2011
Vantage Titan 3-T
(Credit: Toshiba)
Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc. said Monday its open-bore 3-Tesla MRI received Food and Drug Administration 510(k) clearance.
The Vantage Titan 3-T features a 71-centimeter opening and the company's Pianissimo noise-reduction technology, which Toshiba claims quiets the 3-T MRI's notorious roar by up to 90 percent.
The Tustin, Calif.-based company says quieter exams help relax patients, so they move around less and the resulting image is less marred by motion artifacts.

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"From listening to our customers, we understand that patient compliance is one of the major issues impacting patient throughput and exam efficiency in the MR industry today," Stuart Clarkson, director of Toshiba's MR business unit, said in a statement.
The Vantage Titan also offers non-contrast magnetic resonance angiography technologies for examining blood vessels without using contrast agents. And it uses Toshiba's Atlas Speeder coils, which are integrated into the exam table, to reduce scan times.