As of this past Friday, Pat Fitzgerald, former president of Dunlee, has decided to leave Philips Healthcare and pursue other business interests effective immediately, Diedrich Dirks, senior vice president and GM of the Generators, Tubes and Components Division (GTC) announced in a news release.
According to Dirks, Philips plans to retain ownership and operation of the Dunlee Division. "Dunlee remains an important part of continued expansion of our OEM tube and component business", Dirks commented, "and we feel retention of this business is in the best interest of both Philips and our customers."
Also announced was management restructuring, with the addition of Mark Szewczyk who will assume the role of general manager for the Dunlee site located in the Chicago suburb of Aurora, Ill. Mark is currently the Global Installed Base senior director, Imaging Systems. In his new role as general manager, Mark will lead the GTC site in Aurora and Arlington in close cooperation with the GTC functional leads.
Concurrent will be the promotion of Laura Hafner, who will assume the leadership role for the GTC Third Party Business under the Dunlee brand. This business will continue to provide new OEM tubes and other related components to equipment manufacturers globally, as well as supply replacement tubes to the multi-vendor service market. Hafner is a Dunlee veteran in the Third Party Business, and recently held the position of director of Global Marketing.