Conducting Facility Vulnerability Assessments
Michael Johns, Project Manager | August 21, 2006
Are you Prepared?
Homeland Defense Journal Training Conferences (R) - Target Analysis & Vulnerability Assessment -
An Interactive Three-Day Workshop on Conducting Facility Vulnerability Assessments
October 17-19, 2006
Falls Church, VA
Student comments from our last class just last month...
Worth every penny! There are no other courses available that teach the fundamentals of doing a TA and VA." Tracy DeWitt, Southwest Tennessee Community College, Adjunct Faculty. "Every Police Department should have one of their senior officers attend this training. An eye opener!" County Police Chief.
"Great class! As often happens in a room full of senior "practitioners", this session was also a great forum for us all to discuss how the CARVER TA/VA process is relevant to our own work. Plus, we now have a 'real-world' methodology that we can use to conduct VA's in a very cost-effective manner. We'll take this back and use it for a number of projects we are considering." David L. Jones, Principal Security Specialist, Washington Safety Management Solutions
The following additional training courses are also available: (For details go to
* Government Mail Center Management Conference, September 13, 2006, Washington, DC
* HSPD-12 Executive Briefing: Looking Beyond Compliance, September 13, 2006, Washington, DC
* Security for Schools Workshop -A Two-Day Coordinated School Health and Safety Preparedness Workshop, September 14-15, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Managing the Threat of Suicide Bombers and Improvised Explosive Devices Workshop, September 26-27, 2006, Arlington, VA
* GIS Conference: Location-based Social Networking and Crisis Response, October 3, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Conference, October 11, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Physical and Critical Infrastructure Resilience Conference, November 7, 2006, Arlington, VA
* Emergency Preparedness and Response Conference (For People with Disabilities, the Elderly, Pediatrics, and Animals, December 13-14, 2006, Washington, DC
About This Training Workshop
At the Target Analysis & Vulnerability Assessment workshop you will become proficient in the use of the CARVER methodology to assist you in the analysis and examination of the interrelationships between assets, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures that protect a facility. CARVER is a unique analytical tool because it facilitates both a qualitative and a quantitative assessment of a facility's vulnerabilities based on offensive and defensive methodologies. Using a combination of classroom and field exercises, you will learn and apply the principles of this methodology.