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Helping providers in the Houston area

by Philip F. Jacobus, CEO | August 30, 2017
If you live in Houston or know someone who does, if you know of a hospital, clinic or physician in need of assistance, please write to us and tell us about it.

Hurricane Harvey has devastated southeastern Texas and we all need to ask ourselves what we can do to help.

Leave a comment here on this page if your facility has been damaged by the hurricane and needs support. If you prefer to be discreet, you can also send us an email at pr@dotmed.com, which we will be monitoring.

For those of you who have not been directly impacted by Harvey and are looking for ways to help, the Texas Hospital Association has established the THA Hospital Employee Assistance Fund to provide financial assistance to employees of hospitals located in the 29 FEMA-designated disaster areas who experienced significant property loss from the catastrophe.

You can make donations here on their website.

To everyone being affected by Hurricane Harvey, you are in our thoughts.

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About Phil Jacobus

Phil Jacobus has been involved in health care since 1977, when he visited China to sell equipment. He has done business in 35 countries and still travels extensively. Phil is active in charity, helps rural clinics and always tries to help DOTmed users when he can.

Phil is a member of AHRA, HFMA, AAMI and the Cryogenic Society of America. He has contributed to a number of magazines and journals and has addressed trade groups.

Phil's proudest achievement is that he has been happily married to his wife Barbara since 1989, who helped him found DOTmed in 1998.

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