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RSNA 2009 Video Profile: IMRIS

by Brendon Nafziger, DOTmed News Associate Editor | December 17, 2009
IMRIS CEO David Graves met with the DOTmed News camera crew to talk about his firm's latest products.

The Manitoba, Canada-based company specializes in interventional MR suites for cardiovascular and neurosurgery.

"IMRIS is all about providing image-guided therapy solutions that allow physicians to image a patient during the course of an interventional or intraoperative procedure so that they gain information that allows them to improve their decision making and essentially improve outcomes for patients," Graves says.

In the video, Graves discusses how the ceiling-mounted IMRIS scanner, which weighs a staggering 5 tons, travels on ceiling rails allowing it to quickly move between different interventional rooms.

Next, he presents IMRIScardio, making its official debut at this year's show. Cleared by the FDA in September, the IMRIScardio is an MR scanner packaged with the world's first MR-compatible full angiography suite. By giving doctors access to both MR scans and real-time fluoroscopy during surgeries, it can help with catheter navigation, minimize need for contrast agents and streamline workflows, according to the company.

The IMRIScardio is premiering at RSNA alongside IMRISnv, a tool for interventional stroke imaging. These two products will complement IMRISneuro, also shown in the video, which uses the world's only MR-compatible neurosurgical operating table for procedures such as craniometries. According to IMRIS, MRI visualizations can help during surgeries, not just by better illustrating safe approaches to tumors, but also by showing which critical brain areas to avoid.

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IMRIS at RSNA 2009