Gun control only effects law abiding citizens. What criminal is going to give up a gun because of new laws? NONE!!! They're called a criminal for a reason. As has already been said, gun control does nothing to deter criminals, they aldeady disreagrd the laws of the land, including those that prohibit murder. Banning any sort of firearm has not worked in the past (see any study done on the effects of the Brady bill) and it will not work now. We need to vigorously prosecute criminals and make the punishment for crime so steep that nobody having paid the price once, will even think about doing it again. The menatlity of those who push for gun control legislation is such that it makes we wonder if many remain who are capable of logical thought. (1)
Your point for posting this article? Nothing to do with medical equipment and just used to share your political opinions. Shame on Dotmed. Let's look a little deeper into how many deaths are caused or attributed to doctors. You'll find that the numbers are way under reported.
Maybe we should expand current capitol punishment statutes to include any offense where a firearm was used illegally. Make the crime a Federal Offense with a mandatory capitol sentence. The big bad government will be leading the charge to get these violent criminals off the streets.
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Jonathan Truhlar
Death toll
February 21, 2013 09:08
This debate is a non-issue. The second amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees a citizens right to keep and bear arms without infringement.
A better debate would be how to curb the conservative estimate of 100,000 plus deaths directly related to medical blunders each year. Medicine is not a constitutionally protected guarantee. In examining our motives, instead of the political winds, maybe we should start there...
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