Kubtec to supply X-ray technology for 3,500 year-old tomb excavation

by John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | December 12, 2017
European News X-Ray
Archaeology group chooses Kubtec to
supply X-ray equipment for excavation
of 3,500 year-old tomb in Greece
An international research team has selected Kubtec to supply X-ray equipment for examining the findings from its excavation of a 3,500 year-old burial site in Pylos, Greece.

The Connecticut-based manufacturer will provide the team with its XTEND Portable X-ray system and its high-resolution digital detector system to help assess the findings from their archaeological dig of the Griffin Warrior Tomb.

“When you’re going out into the field, you need to be able to operate equipment in a quickly created lab or in the middle of a dig,” Vikram Butani, CEO and founder of Kubtec, told HCB News. “So you need something that offers the highest resolution and can be operated with complete safety because you are talking about radiation as well as something that can be easily put together and above all that, something that is reasonably priced.”

The team discovered and began excavating the tomb in the summer of 2015, finding the remains of a warrior surrounded by metal objects made of gold, silver and bronze in “one of the most significant displays of prehistoric wealth discovered in mainland Greece in the past 65 years,” as described by co-leader of the team and archaeologist, Dr. Sharon Stocker of the University of Cincinnati, in a statement.

The technology will enable Stocker and the rest of the team to assess the authenticity, internal structure and the dating of the objects, remains, and the tomb at an affordable rate.

Kubtec plans to work closely with, and offer support to the team throughout its excavation.

“The challenge falls on us as developers of technology to develop something while keeping in mind that it needs to be affordable,” Butani told HCB News. “The material content of what is being imaged is so varied that it is very challenging to develop technology that is sensitive to that entire spectrum of material densities. This is going to be a system that is going to be able to support that.”

Stocker did not respond for comment.

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