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IBA Dosimetry debuts myQA Daily at ASTRO 2018

by John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | October 29, 2018
Rad Oncology
myQA Daily
Completing a morning Linac QA each day may soon take five minutes or less following the upcoming release of Ion Beam Applications S.A.’s myQA Daily, designed by IBA Dosimetry.

The solution made its debut at the 2018 annual ASTRO meeting in San Antonio, Texas, and is designed to combine workflow efficiency and high accuracy for measurements and analysis through multiple features, including 125 ionization chambers.

“Typically, detectors that are offered by the market are basic. Some of the detectors only have eight measurement points inside the detector which is sufficient to give you a red for fail or a green for pass,” Ralf Schira, director of global marketing at IBA, told HCB News. “We have 125 measurement points overall and 31 for each centerline, which is a huge increase in measured data that we can use to analyze and produce results with higher accuracy.”

With an increased data capacity, clinicians are capable of detecting negative trends or Linac issues during analysis for factors such as dose output, flatness, symmetry, center, field size and energy earlier, allowing them to more likely avoid Linac failure.

Optimized for daily QA workflow efficiency, the entire process, from set-up to measurement to verification, takes five minutes, or just under, with the user placing the solution’s detector on the couch and switching it on. The solution automatically connects to the WiFi while the therapist heads for the console room to switch on the Linac. The software automatically detects measurements captured by the detector, producing a green color if no issues are found or a red for any that are present.

The server-based software operates easily in web browsers from any workstation or tablet PC connected to a hospital network, and is easy to integrate with existing IT infrastructure. In addition, the detector array is equipped with a rechargeable battery and real-time Wi-Fi data exchange, requiring no need for cables and creating a convenient workflow that enables ease of use for multiple Linacs.

myQA Daily also offers integrated energy constancy verification. With the number of ionization chamber measurement points present, users can automatically verify energy constancy with one single beam, completing a total of five tests and reducing scan time by eliminating the need for multiple irradiations.

“Having 125 measurement points allows us to develop software even further from what we have today,” said Schira. “We plan to add profile measurements and other features that other solutions don’t offer.”

The solution is set to launch at the end of this year, following clearance with the FDA.

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