Barbara Kram, Editor | December 26, 2006
A woman put her one-month-old grandson in a bin intended to screen carry-on baggage, and the child was conveyed into the X-ray screening machine at LAX, the Los Angeles Times reported. Security screening personnel pulled the baby out as soon as possible and he was taken to the hospital.
“Rather than focus on the radiation dose, which is a small amount, we need to focus on why this happened, so it doesn’t happen again,” said ACR President James P. Borgstede, M.D. “Human beings weren’t meant to go through those things.” He added, “In the several seconds the baby spent in the machine, he was exposed to as much radiation as he would naturally get from cosmic rays — or high energy from outer space — in a day.”
To read the Los Angeles Times article go to,1,5234712.story
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