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    The November Issue of HealthCare Business News Magazine


    2011 RSNA Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
    Read about some of the top attractions at this year's show.

    Chillers: A hot component of the medical industry
    Medical chillers keep vital equipment going.
    A population grows to depend on dialysis
    As the obesity epidemic continues, the dialysis sector looks to fine-tune care.
    Radiography and fluoroscopy continue to embrace digital and wireless technology
    Technology updates are all the rage for the sector.

    Columns & Sections

    Phil's RSNA Dining Picks

    RSNA 2011
    Chicago has more than 18,000 restaurants. These are my favorite.

    RSNA President Celebrates the Image

    RSNA 2011
    With RSNA fast approaching, RSNA president Dr. Burton Drayer took a moment to provide a look at where the society is today and where it's headed for the future.

    Dr. Beaumont and "the man with the lid on his stomach"

    This Month in Medical History
    A hunting accident brings gruesome insights into gastric digestion in This Month in Medical History.

    With new name, Epoka Medic Mission strikes out on its own

    CEO Mehdi Smail talks with DOTmed News about new name, new focus.

    ACR: 9 in 10 women like their mammograms

    About 86 percent of women have had a scan in the past two years, according to a new poll.

    Tech Tips: Replacement Tubes Must Measure Up

    With the concern about patient dose, replacement tubes are being held to a high standard

    Health IT: Combating the VHS zombie in ultrasound

    You might have thrown out the VHS player at home, but it still survives for some in ultrasound.

    So you want to open a successful proton therapy center?

    Learn tips and tactics to help it happen.

    Money Health - Acquisition signals big win for the future of smart health care delivery

    What's behind the reprocessor company purchasing trend and what does it mean for hospitals?

    Occupy Wall Street demands "Medicare for All"

    NOTE!!! DON'T POST UNTIL CLEANED UP AND MADE UP TO DATE! OWS wants free health care for all—but how’s their own health holding up?

    Letter from the editor: The cure for cancer

    What would a cure mean for the business of health care?

    DOTmed visits Occupy Wall Street

    DOTmed heads over to OWS.

    Protecting privacy in a digital world

    An ER doc explains why digital privacy requires due diligence.

    Ziehm Imaging owner buys OrthoScan

    Private investment group which owns Ziehm buys the mini C-arm maker.

    How safe is your imaging equipment? A new website could have the answer

    Clarimed will offer safety ratings of imaging equipment and other medical devices.

    ASTRO: IMRT can interfere with pacemakers

    Radiation can scramble the memory of implantable cardiac devices, a new study finds.

    Omed of Nevada founder retires

    Dave Ogren, founder of used medical equipment dealer Omed of Nevada LLC., has retired today.

    ACR survey: One-third of radiology practices have cut staff

    ACR survey shows tough times have taken their toll on radiologists, too.

    Afghanistan gets first combat-ready MRIs

    U.S. military says two Philips-made units have made it to Helmand and Kandahar Provinces.

    AMIC says little evidence for prior authorization savings

    Access to Medical Imaging Coalition study says there's little peer-reviewed evidence that prior authorization programs would save Medicare money.